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Tax Investigation Fee Protection

Worried about the accountancy fees of a tax investigation?

HMRC has powers to investigate income tax and corporation tax payers at RANDOM.

With the ever increasing risks of full tax enquiries and investigations, it's worth considering protecting yourself from the accountancy costs of dealing with it as the amount of work involved is often substantial.

You can get cover for the following...

  • Self-assessment enquiries
  • VAT enquiries
  • PAYE and benefits enquiries
  • IR35 enquiries

Even if HMRC finds nothing as a result of any investigation, you will still have unexpected professional fees to pay as a result.

We cannot prevent you from being investigated by the Taxman, but we can help to ensure that you get the best possible support and advice without having to worry about the cost.

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Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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